Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Video session

Right, so there'll soon be a video up of my most recent session. However, camtasia takes forever to render, so it's taking a while. Meantime:

I threebet like a girl, but his fourbet isn't much better. Standard aside from that.

That's not the first time he'd made a fairly small threebet; the last time he had 99. I dunno how I feel about this one. Like, on the turn he's made two reasonable bets. On the other hand, it's a reraised pot. If he's going for value he should probably be betting harder, which leads me to suspect his hand is a little weak. On the flop I suspected him of perhaps having a queen, and on the turn I tried to blow him off something like AT. (note: that's probably stupid, I imagine people who are threebetting AT aren't folding it) Should probably make it $40, too. I suck out on the river and don't even get paid, which really confuses me. I think he had AJ or AT (or QcXc I guess?) because I can't see how he can bet/call the turn and then fold the river unless he has AT and beats like nothing. This one is kinda confusing.

Pretty standard. In the other guys shoes I might flat the flop because of odds and position, but whatever.

All: Please have fewer boats when I have trips. tyvm.

I'm not too sure about the turn call. He either has air or TPGK+, and it's hard to say which. Flop I think is fine, but this was pretty early on and I dunno how I feel about calling second barrels readless. Actually I do; I'm not that okay with it.

The double barrel might not be fantastic, but I mean, even if he just made a flush I probably have outs. I like it overall. River is sweet and standard.


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