Monday, August 06, 2007

one more thing

After I quit that other guy I surfed the web for a while and basically did nothing, then got a seat a bit later. Villain is in for $10, a nit preflop and a station postflop, and has no concept of bet sizing. My complete inability to make a pair or hit a draw has been paying him off. (it's unreal, he'll give me like 3:1 on the flop and 6:1 on the turn and I only spiked once.) I tried raising him out of a few pots but to no avail, so I just hunkered down and waited for cards that never came. There were only two biggish pots:

I am in fact quite embarrassed to have lost a buyin to this guy. Flop is sketch but it's fine because the guy was incapable of betting more than like 1/4 pot on the turn.

The river block is sick because I'm positive he folds the 7h or AK/AQ. He had a set or a flush here.

I quit him because I was making no hands and didn't see a way to stack him outside of him having TPGK and me having him beat. I think I have a lot of edge but would have to grind small pots and didn't want to accidentally tilt off a stack.

overall thoughts on huhu: (might want to read below post first I guess)

Between the cash sessions and the HU SNGs I was playing I've come to the conclusion that most people are overaggro or way too passive. I try to adjust to how my opponents are playing but have some work to do on maxing value against maniacs. The only hand I really hate tonight is that AJ high hand below.


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