Thursday, January 04, 2007

-3 BI :(

Two sessions, one sad face.

Lots of bad hands follow. I'm happy with how I played ones where I won (I think I maximized value etc) so bad ones below:

Not the best call pf but meatshooter is a complete calling station and UTG is a bit loose. I think c/c lead turn is a better line here; I had intended to c/f the turn if this was called but I think leading the turn has more FE because flop checkraises are super sketch.

Um. I actually thought ace high was ahead here. He maybe has a pocket pair but I don't think he limps them preflop. So...yeah.

Preflop is semistandard. Flop is utterly standard; I almost always raise when people lead into my raises. They almost always fold. The turn is awful because usually when they call they're drawing and the flush just got there and what the fuck was I thinking?

I swear to God this works sometimes.

Like I said, usually raise these people. I'm proud of myself for not calling the river.

Heh, I thought meatshooter was drawing to hearts or had maybe ten-paint and was worried about horse. River was a block. Nice. Hand.

I fail to see how he does not have an ace here. It's that or a worse pocket pair, but I think that board is a little dangerous to be floating.

Heh. I was pretty sure I'd talked this guy on tilt; he was doing a ton of complaining about suckouts etc in small pots and I started trying to taunt him into buying in full and going after the table. Yes, I'm a bad person. Anyway, I was pretty sure that if I stacked him he'd rebuy for a lot and go hell for leather after me. Bottom two for 20 BBs is pretty standard anyway, but this didn't end well. (results: neither of us caught a hand against the other and I left)

Okay. I think I'm going to tighten up substantially and go back to fundamentals before I do more tricksey stuff. I'm not too unhappy with my postflop game. I think I'm screwing up preflop. I've been doing more limping and less raising (40/18/3.5) and my AF has been going down. If I saw my stats on someone else I'd probably start gunning for me. That is frowns. I'd been limping more because of deep stacks and implied odds and so forth from late position, but I think I'm going to just go back to basic TAG with a bit wider stealing range than normal. I think my preflop play is my biggest leak and I'm going to hammer it out. I still don't think I'm running well, but I think I'm trying to be too fancy and I'm pressing too hard. So, back to ABC. Will update tomorrow. (slash weekend.)


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