Monday, October 30, 2006

And the other shoe drops

I'm not superstitious, but after the weekend I knew I was running hot (12.2bb/100 over 2200 hands) and waiting for the inevitable downswing.

Rammed into that tonight. Highlights include Kings against trips, eights vs nines as overpair, flopped straight getting outturned, etc. I managed to not go broke in the first two cases, but I was distracted on other tables with the straight and thought he could only split or beat me with T5, plus I was redrawing to a boat. Turns out no; I'm an idiot and T9 will do nicely on 46787 board.

I hate throwing away pots like that. Getting outplayed is one thing, but that was just stupid, and there isn't really any excuse.


Probably random posts about hands so on until I hit 10k hands at NL 25, wherein there'll be a stat post. What's considered a good/acceptable bb/100 in general? What about at microstakes?


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