Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I'm up $170 in three days of a little over a thousand hands. Is some of that variance? Yes. Is some of that people pushing ace high into my nines full? (see also variance) Yes. (That happened twice, not kidding.) Does it still make me happy? Yes. Does the fact that that means I netted $30 in the other seven thousand make me unhappy? Yes.

But yeah, I think I've been playing pretty well lately. I'm still not sure about that hand with KK, but I only stacked myself one other time, with the queens in an earlier post. Other idiot moments in general have been kept to a minimum; bluffing ace high against my favorite calling station/maniac (Yes, he's both, depending on position. 91/39/4. :happy:) resulted in a firm resolution to stack him, which I did, twice.

My cards havn't been particularly outstanding, although I've been picking up some favorable rivers, and I was just on a bit of a cold streak (exacerbated by rampant and blatant idiocy, but we don't talk about that as much.) so I feel it evens out.

I'm probably not done with today's playing, but I called it quits after the above calling station left and none of my other tables were particularly good. I wanted to have a firm $200 profit after a session at one point, and now seemed like the time.

I'm waiting to go digging through PT for a couple hours for after 10k hands (I think I'll hit it this coming weekend, and definitely by Thanksgiving.) but I think my major leaks involve stacking off with TPTK and to somewhat of a lesser extent overpairs. I think in general, my TPTK is beat if I bet the flop, get raised, and either my third bet or turn bet* is called/raised. People call down on every street with TPGK, MP, or worse, so I'm not too concerned about that, unless a potential draw gets there. I think the people capable of bluffing me off TPTK compared to the amount of people who have a set or two pair makes that +ev.

Overpairs are trickier, because on the flop I'm usually way ahead or way behind (This is fairly true with TPTK too, but AT/AJ are quite vulnerable.) and it's hard to evaluate. People do raise draws, TP, sometimes MP, sometimes ATC if they think you're getting uppity. I think in general the best line is to threebet rather than call a raise and give a potential free card, but it's obviously really situational depending on hand, board, reads, etc.

I sort of and sort of don't raise enough preflop. I'm pretty aggressive from the button and CO, and will raise Ax, Kx, Q9, J9, suited or gapped down to 97/87 for a combination of value and stealing, and I often run into people who are tight enough that stealing ATC is +ev. The main problem is that I don't reraise anything short of QQ+, and that needs to change. I'm probably going to start repopping with AQ+, 99+, and other hands as the situation warrants. I also don't raise enough; the pot to go plus maybe a BB should probably be my default, and that's the pot after my raise goes in. My PF aggression is 1.1. That's way low.

I also don't really follow the basic strategy I laid down and generally work from hand to hand with a general feel of the situation. That's kind of good and kind of not, and mostly not; I'd rather have a default way of playing a hand and vary it situationally than evaluate it every time it comes up. I posted one earlier, but I've been looking at it, and it needs reevaluation.

I've started to raise continuation bets and I've been raising flop bets for a while. Too early for anything concrete, but it seems to be working out. My image is probably fairly loose, which doesn't help that much.

My flop aggresion is 6.93, which is wicked high, but I c-bet most of the time (I don't think I c-bet enough against two people, actually.) and so it drops on the turn to 2.91, which is where I usually check/fold if my c-bet gets called and I just have air. I used to be way too fond of the second barrel, and now I only break it out when I'm pretty sure it'll work. River is just 2.04; between that and the fact that I don't really make a habit of value betting the river, I think I need to get on that. I also need to let people who missed their draws bluff the river.

I actually meant to write about how to play bet/threebet, but this is wicked long anyway. Expect that and new basic strategy in the future.


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