Monday, December 18, 2006

Currently running a bit hot at 50 NL. 500 hands, $164. Deal.

Doyle's seems super soft. People are very transparent about their holdings, and very willing to pay off with middle or bottom pair.


I think that hand is very interesting. Obviously my first instinct was "okay, how do I get all the money in here?" I dunno if shoving the flop is the most expedient way of going about it; I was afraid of a heart killing my action (well, and stacking me, but unless he has AJh he wouldn't have a flush) and thought that a push would look enough like a draw or a desperation bluff from jacks or something to elicit a call. Really, who jams nut trips? In retrospect, I doubt I'm getting action once I call this raise from anything except AA/AK/AQ/KQ/KJ/KT/QQ/QJ. I think most every Kx gets felted here, but I doubt he raises K9- UTG and calls a third bet. Underpairs might come along, but probably not. I think flat calling here and bombing the turn is a far better line. I'm pretty sure KQ and QQ just rape me every time.

(oh, and nice suckout.)

I wonder if I'm getting a little carried away with my float attempts. I was super surprised when he called the turn raise and I thought the river bet might actually be a bit spewy, but that's roughly how I'd value bet two pair or something, and I was a bit surprised when he called. I wonder if I disregarded JJ+ in his UTG range. I hate how Doyle's doesn't show the hand your opponent mucks; I'm pretty sure he had something like TT.

I considered check/raising the flop, but I like c/c and betting the turn as a general rule, because then you get the scare value of the turn as well. I figured him for Qx when he called, and was pleasantly greeted with aces up. I checked to induce the bluff and called. I even went through the hand and was like "there's no way he plays any five like this" and called. I guess he might have A4 or 45, but I think he has Qx almost all the time, or a pure bluff. Shrug.

Dunno how much I'll be playing over the holidays, but I'm giving it a shot. I play a bit over 300 hands/hr at the Stars speed tables, but it looks like it's only 200ish at Doyles, which is frowns. Anyway, updates will continue as I play.


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