Monday, December 04, 2006

I'm not dead

I kinda wish I were (finals next week) but no. Havn't been playing much poker though, what with the finals thing and all.

I played a bit tonight, and actually ended up down a buyin despite playing really well; I was floating well and making some nice moves on the turn and river, and was doing really well with bluffing the river. I broke out the second barrel and started doing well with that.

It's actually kind of funny how transparent I was playing a while ago. That's cool though, because I recognize myself now, and after I see someone raise preflop, bet the flop, then check/fold I think free money and start picking up free pots on the turn.

(doing that has actually led me to cut back my pfr a bit, too. It's a lot nicer to be floating people than firing in the dark not entirely sure where you are.)

It's also cute to see people donkbetting into my raises and then sheepishly think for a while and fold to my raise. They're not even trying to get the c-bet.

Despite this I still ended down :(. I'm apparently unable to get action on my big hands; AA picked up the blinds twice and was well on it's way to stacking some guy when he rivered a two outer. Like, it's awesome that he decided to call down with 44, not so much when he nailed his set.

Then there were just some coolers that involved being dominated with two pair. God, that's awful. Top and bottom against top two? frowns.

But yeah. Playing well, running not so hot. Mostly going to be studying for the next few days anyway.


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