Saturday, December 30, 2006


I'm home again. Played a bit the last few nights. No really big hands, but I ended up about $160, so I was pleased.

I've been experimenting with open limping from the cutoff or button. I pick up a lot of pots that get checked around, and I have position, etc. I'm not sure quite where to draw the line, but the button was pretty tight and I expected the limp to purchase the button. Anyway, I have a pair + OESD on the flop, so I bump it. I hit the straight on the turn and fire. The only interesting part is the river; I was really hesitant to bet because I wasn't sure what I was beating. I really doubt he has a heart draw because of near PSBs on both streets, and he was the BB; could have 96. Could have a naked six, though, or two pair. I'm actually not sure if betting here is correct, but I've been consciously trying to make thin value bets and there you go.

I'm still trying to work out profitable set lines. b/3b doesn't quite work when you're deep. Here it was fine; I was trying to represent a draw or bluff and bam. When he minraises that might be a draw, and I'm not keen on giving them decent odds. In this case, overs could kill my action, too. I guess the preflop raiser b/3b is a draw about never, though, so I'm not sure if this was the best line. I mean, he might be on a draw, in which case pushing might be right just to smash his implied odds, but I don't think this extracts max value from TPTK-esque hands.

Here I turn a set and again miss some value. At the time I was like "yessssss he has trips and I'm going to maul him" but I didn't realize that this could also be a flush draw that is drawing totally dead and yet will still pay me off.

Come on, who doesn't get paid off with top set in a raised pot? I was so totally going to checkraise him and he was too rude to comply. I think he had AK or maybe jacks, because I can't see anything else.

:(. OOP is awwwwwful. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a pocket pair except maybe aces (or jacks if he is a total lucksack) because the threebet and ace should put the fear of God into QQ-KK. I think he has AK/AA here a lot. He claimed to have AQ, which also makes sense and shows how valueable the button is. Still, I'm pretty sure the best case scenario there is a split pot.

I need to stop betting the turn after my flop raises get called. To me, it makes no sense; I'm totally selling a monster but they can't seem to fold. Dude might have the ten there, or jacks (his raises were always big, but I think TT-JJ are raised heaviest preflop because people hate playing them postflop) but bottom two? How is that not KJ/KQ/T9? Shrug. I guess I'll just do it with good hands and get paid off.


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